Em Chicago, Nancy Salgado um empregada do McDonald´s foi detida por reivindicar melhor salário. Ela será julgada no próximo dia 1º de novembro pelo Tribunal.
CHICAGO — Dozens of McDonald’s workers, supported by fellow members of the Workers Organizing Committee of Chicago convened today at the Union League Club to speak out against McDonald’s claims of providing competitive wages and opportunities for career advancement during McDonald’s President Jeff Stratton keynote talk “Fries with That?” for the First Friday Club of Chicago.
As Mr. Jeff Stratton was beginning his talk, Nancy Salgado, a single mother of two young children and a McDonald’s employee of ten years, poignantly asked, “I’m a Catholic woman and a single mother of two, I believe as my church has taught me that we should be treated with respect. It’s really hard for me to feed my two kids and struggle day to day to put meals on the table. Do you really think it’s fair that I have a to go through this? Do you think it’s fair that I have to be living on a poverty wage? Do you think it’s fair that I am making $8.25 while I’ve worked for McDonald’s for 10 years? Do you think it’s fair? My two kids are struggling because you cant’ raise our minimum wage. I don’t believe that’s fair. What do you have to say?”
McDonald’s President Jeff Stratton remained mostly silent but replied, “I’ve been there for 40 years.”
All seven were arrested and charged with criminal trespass and are faced with a November 1 court date. They would do it again.